
Monday, January 10, 2011

Letter To An Angel

Grandma has a cherished letter from Pappaw that she keeps in a frame and it hangs on the wall close to her side of the bed.  He wrote it to her one day back in the early 1960's when he was out of town on a business trip and missing her.  It reads as follows:

To An Angel,
I do so much thinking when I'm away from you,
and most of my thoughts are about you.
When I can't touch you, I want to crush you to me
or just look at you for hours.
I will always be grateful to you for giving me so
much happiness in my life and for trying to make
me into a better person and husband and father.
Don't we have wonderful children and haven't they
given us so much pleasure and pride?
You've been such a perfect mother to them and your
love and patience have made them so easy to be good
children.  We could wish the best for each one of them
by hoping and praying that they meet someone later
that will cause them as much happiness as you and
I enjoy.  Thank you for loving me and giving me
everything I need for a life so full of family and pleasure
and happiness.  Let's live and love together as long as
God will continue to bless us.  He has given us so much.
You'll always be my Patricia Ann, my darling.

(right after they were married)

(right after Grandma got her pancreatic cancer diagnosis)

A true love story.  I feel so blessed to have been able to witness it for the last thirty years.

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