
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Patricia Ann Testimonies Part 5

Patricia Ann testimonies part 5

In this blog and ones to follow (as I have time), I want to share the testimonies from other family members. I want to get them documented in writing so those that were not able to attend the service can read the beautiful tributes to our Patricia, mom, grandma and grammy.

The following was read by Sheila:

"I'm Sheila and Pat's oldest grandchild and the original!  I got to come out in December, I'm a student in nursing school and I got a break over December to come out and spend the month with grandma.  The night before I left I had sat with grandma for a while.  It was a couple of days after Christmas, right after we had contacted hospice and I had all these things, all these memories running through my head, so I wrote grandma a little poem.......

My Grandma
Life is built of stages, each more precious than the last
And as a series of pictures come memories of the past
I remember yellow counter tops with flour all around
While grandma sings the rooster song and I eat cookie dough by the pound
I remember fields of blue bonnets and ringlets in my hair
And in every snippet of memory my grandma is right there
I remember school days long and hard and leaves crunching on the ground
As I race home to grandma's house to see what adventures can be found
I remember new babies coming in to be bounced on grandma's knee
But always there a place by her side for a big kid such as me
I remember dresses and nightgowns sewn with her loving hands
And one hundred homemade birthday cakes and drinking Tab from her can
I remember troubles coming my way and bad decisions I made galore
But through all my aches and pains my grandma just loved me more
I remember becoming a mother and all those sleepless nights
Thinking what would grandma do kept me doing things just right
I remember pledging my life to his and not knowing exactly what to do
But I had grandma as my example and I knew that would see us through
Life is built of stages each one more precious than the last
And I will always have these pictures of grandma in the past
And although this newest stage tears holes into my heart
I know me and my grandma will never truly be apart
For I have all these memories of all she has given to me
Tucked away inside my heart that I can pull out and see
How she walked with grace and beauty all through out her days
How she loved me unconditionally and always found something to praise
The sound of her sweet laughter, the glimmer of her eyes
How to give selflessly to others, how to bake the best cookies and pies
I will always remember her courage and how she always gave her best
Even in the face of pain, she fought on, she did not rest
Her love for me and all of us enabled her to go on
And all the love she has given me will linger even after she is gone
Without my grandma's loving heart, the world will be a darker place
But the angels will be rejoicing to behold her spirit of grace
So grandma please don't worry, although my eyes are filled with tears
I will smile and thank God for the remembrance of the years"
Click here to read part 1
Click here to read part 2
Click here to read part 3
Click here to read part 4

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