Last fall I called PierMagic to do some polyjacking of my sidewalk. A section had dropped causing a trip hazard. After researching mudjacking vs polyjacking I decided that polyjacking was the way to go. Mudjacking requires heavy equipment, large drill holes and often is only a temporary solution. The polyjacking is done with smaller equipment and smaller drill holes and little mess to my yard.
When they first arrived at my house, they had to set up their machine by connecting it to a power source. The chemicals were added to the machine and it all had to warm up. Polyjacking is a combination of two chemicals ran through two hoses. When the chemicals are injected into the ground, they turn into a foam that fills the void underneath the concrete. The technician drilled 3/8" holes into the section of sidewalk that had dropped.....
After the machine was warmed up and ready to go, they injected the polyjacking foam a little at a time. I watched as they would stop and wait after each injection to see if the slab was raising.
I could visually watch the section of sidewalk lifting and becoming even with the driveway.
Below you can see where the two pieces of concrete are now even....
After the job was completed, PierMagic cleaned the area for me. A little foam remained in the joints but after a few weeks it became less noticeable. The 3/8" holes were plugged and filled in with a concrete caulk.
It must have been my lucky day. A PierMagic owner and sales guy showed up to see how things were going!
Overall I was very pleased with the work and would highly recommend PierMagic. They also do foundation repair and new sump pump installation. A couple of years ago I had them install a new sump pump with battery back up for me.
I made a David Butler quilt for my nephew Dylan last month. He is currently serving in the Navy so I picked out the print that had seaweed in it to give a little nautical theme to the quilt.
Binding was made using the scraps............
Green print for the backing..........
Scroll down to see who I have linked to this week.
I gave Aaron his birthday quilt yesterday. He really liked the Parson Gray, Curious Nature quilt I had made for Canon last year so I searched Etsy trying to find as many of the prints as I could.....
These cotton fabrics are very soft and make a great quilt.....
David Butler makes some great prints for man quilts............
The pattern is called Big and Tall and I purchased it off Etsy a couple of years ago. I think it is still available.
Scroll down to see who I have linked to this week.
Here's some more Baby J gifts I made. I used Denyse Schmidt's line called Florence to make a quilted changing pad, some burp cloths and a necktie onesie.
And here's cute little baby J wearing his necktie onesie.........
I made these Big Sis Lil Bro shirts in anticipation of baby J's arrival. I tried to make the sis shirt as girly as possible and the bro shirt have a manly appeal. Baby J was born on 11-12-13 !!!
His tiny onesie fit him well and got to be his going home outfit!!! Big Sis showed off her sweetness in her shirt too !!!!
I saw this roast recipe popping up on Pinterest and thought I'd give it a try. It turned out just as good as everyone was bragging it would be. It's a keeper. I used a chuck roast......
One stick of unsalted butter, one package of McCormick Au Jus Gravy mix, one package of Hidden Valley Ranch Dip and six peperoncini's. No water needed.
Here's the order: Roast, gravy mix, ranch mix, stick of butter, and last the peperoncini's.
I cooked on high for two hours, then turned to low for the next five. Here's how it looked half way done........
I really wanted mashed potatoes to go with it but forgot to buy them at the store. I had brussel sprouts in the fridge, so that's what my side dish had to be. I sauteed onion and garlic in olive oil until translucent, then added chopped fresh brussel sprouts and bacon bits. Stir fried for about five minutes and it was ready.
If you visit my blog regularly, this will be a repeat; but I wanted to enter my Oink A Doodle Moo quilt in Amy's Quilt Festival and that required a new post.
A special little girl I know is
going to be a big sister soon. This is the baby/toddler size quilt I made her. She
lives next door to her grandma who has horses, pigs and goats (not sure if she
has cows). I purchased Moda's, Oink A Doodle Moo panel in red and then used my
own fabric scraps for the rest of the quilt top.
After I received the panel in the
mail, I decided I did not like the red chicken wire print around the panels. It
looked too boyish, so I cut off the red and added thin pink borders and wider
white borders.....
I cut my scrap pieces at 5" in
length and varying widths. The white strips are 3 inches wide. The finished
quilt is 45" squared.
I used straight line quilting for
this project. For the 45" width, that came to 150 straight lines. I used the
edge of the walking foot as my guide.
For the backing I used Riley
Blake's, Hello Sunshine Birds in red. I thought it was the perfect choice for
the backing to go along with the animals on the front and match all the colors
of the scraps. It also looks like a paisley print from a distance.
I love the straight line
quilting...........look at all those rows!
For the binding, I used Riley
Blake's, Hello Sunshine stripe in multi color.