
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Half a Century

I had my 50th birthday not too long ago.  They say that 50 is the new 40.  I'm going with that idea!  It seems that 50 got here really quick!  I started worrying about turning 50 the day after my 49th birthday so I'm glad the 50 milestone has gotten here and it's on it's way to getting over with!  Every year at work I get a birthday lunch prepared by my Aunt Frances and always look forward to the chocolate sheath cake she makes.  This year she surprised me with a poster on the front entrance and the black balloons.....

Along with my co-workers, she also invited my mom, dad, sister and niece.  We forgot to get the camera out until almost everyone had left.  It was a very sweet surprise and I appreciate her thoughtfulness, it made for a very nice day.

Two days after that party, Katie, Aaron and Stephanie got me good.  They got me really good.  I had no idea this party was coming.  I also had no idea who was making a very special trip to be at this party...........
My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Steve and Judy brought my mother-in-law and father-in-law over 500 miles to be a part of the surprise.  Aaron and Stephanie were trying to get me out of the house by offering to go buy me a plant for my birthday.  I did not want them to spend any money on me and did not want to leave the house.  I was busy sitting at my sewing machine trying to get some things finished up to go in Stephanie's boutique, ROOM 5 in Ozark MO.  The doorbell rang and I yelled out, "don't let anyone in" to Katie as she was walking to the front door.  Some sales people had been going door to door earlier and I was warning her not to open it.  Little did I know who was really ringing the doorbell.  I turned around from the sewing machine to see who Katie let in the house (after I told her not to let anyone in), and could not believe my eyes when I saw Grandma.  I'm crying even as I type this post because I am still so honored that she made the long trip to visit with us for such a short time.  You see, Grandma was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few weeks before this party and she had just finished her first full week of chemo and radiation when she jumped in the minivan and made the trek to my house. (They started Friday night and spent the night at Aunt Nadine's house then drove on to my house the next morning.)

So..... I did have a "small" breakdown and a "OMG, I can't believe this" moment and this picture shows my red swollen eyes.....
and this one too.....
Unknown to me, Katie had been running around all morning, buying up fancy cupcakes, Subway party trays and balloons.  Grandma and Pap-paw spent time in the minivan folding dollar bills into accordions and clipping them to paper clips.  Grandma quickly attached them to the cup cakes before the party began.....
Sierra anxiously sat by pap-paw hoping for a nibble off his sandwich......
Steve and Judy, thank you so much for making the trip and bringing them to me!

Steve surprised me with a slide show he created.  Looks like Grandma is the one holding back the tears in this picture!......

Here is the slide show that Steve made.....Thank you Steve for all the work you did to create this!

They were only able to stay about two hours and then they had to start making the trip back to Dallas.........

Steve titles this picture as "mom, I hope I remember the way home".....

And off they go.  The sweetest, shortest visit ever.  So happy and honored that they made it for me!
Love you Grandma!

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